
DOTM JUNE - “Behind the Professionalism”

Q1: What inspired you to become an interior designer, and what continues to inspire you in your work today? 

Benjamin’s Reply:

To me, the concept of "home" extends far beyond mere physical structures. It represents a sanctuary where individuals can seek solace and witness their lifestyles undergo transformation. In today's fast-paced society, I envision designs that contribute to my clients' sense of ease and well-being when they return home. It is crucial for their living spaces to serve as havens, allowing them to genuinely relish and recharge for the forthcoming day. Witnessing the satisfaction my clients experience is both exhilarating and inspirational, propelling me to strive for continuous improvement. Moreover, the incredible opportunity to learn from individuals of diverse backgrounds enriches my understanding and wisdom with each passing day.

Q2: How do you approach the design process, from ideation to execution, and what steps do you take to ensure your designs meet the unique needs of each client? 

Benjamin’s Reply:

I approach the design process as a collaborative endeavour, working closely with my clients to create spaces that truly reflect their vision. It begins with an in-depth discussion where I strive to gain a profound understanding of their aspirations, lifestyle, personalities, and habits. This forms the foundation for proposing a space and design that caters to their specific needs, aligning with functional and practical requirements.

For me, every aspect of the home's interior should be meticulously designed and curated to meet my clients' individual needs, while also expressing their unique character, personality, and living habits. I operate within a delicate balance between receptivity and creativity, as I believe these two functions are inherently intertwined. Spaces should not merely be constructed to stand the test of time; they should be crafted to evolve alongside their inhabitants. I make a conscious effort to leave room for growth, designing spaces that are timeless and practical.

Ultimately, my goal is for my clients to develop a profound connection with their space, where both the home and its inhabitants mutually fulfil each other's needs and thrive together. As the saying goes, "A home becomes a love letter to yourself." Your home should be a reflection of what you hold dear, a sanctuary filled with the things you love, catering to the well-being of yourself and your family.

Q3: What is your philosophy when it comes to designing interior spaces, and how do you balance aesthetic appeal with practical functionality? 

Benjamin’s Reply:

Striving for the best of both worlds is a delicate task, as achieving pure aesthetic beauty might not always align with practical functionality, and vice versa. However, as a designer, my role is to navigate this challenge and find a harmonious balance that satisfies both aspects for my clients.

Achieving this equilibrium between aesthetic appeal and practical functionality necessitates a thorough comprehension of my clients' objectives and their intended purpose for the space. It entails integrating design elements and principles that not only enhance visual allure but also optimize the usability and functionality of the interior environment. By carefully considering the client's goals and intended use, I can create spaces that are not only visually appealing but also serve their intended purpose effectively.

Through meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of my clients' needs, I strive to create designs that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality, delivering spaces that are both visually captivating and highly practical.

Q4: How do you stay up-to-date with the latest design trends and techniques, and how do you incorporate these into your work while maintaining your own unique style? 

Benjamin’s Reply:

To begin with, I don't adhere to a singular, distinctive style. However, I find myself straying away from the eclectic or industrial design approaches. Instead, I prioritise essential elements such as functionality, flexibility, flow, and adaptability in my designs.

In my quest to remain up to date with the latest design trends, I firmly believe that an insatiable hunger for learning and a willingness to experiment are crucial attributes to stay relevant in the ever-evolving field. Embracing a continuous learning mindset and embracing experimentation allow me to explore new methods, materials, and treatments that can elevate my designs.

Nevertheless, it's worth noting that opportunity plays a significant role in the ability to experiment and test out different approaches. Access to diverse projects and opportunities to try new techniques and materials contribute greatly to the growth and development of my design repertoire. By seizing such opportunities, I can expand my creative boundaries and continually refine my design expertise.

Q5: What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and what made it so special to you? 

Benjamin’s Reply:

I find that some of my most cherished projects are those where I am granted the honour and privilege of working with clients who place complete trust and flexibility in my hands. When clients allow a certain level of experimentation within their homes, it opens up exciting possibilities for creative exploration.

However, I have noticed that in cases where clients are unwavering in their own viewpoints and dismiss advice despite numerous recommendations, the outcome can sometimes be less than ideal. It is crucial to strike a balance between incorporating the client's preferences and expertise while also considering the advice and insights offered by the design professional. Collaboration and open-mindedness can lead to remarkable results, combining the client's vision with the designer's expertise to achieve a harmonious and successful outcome.

Q6: How do you collaborate with other professionals, such as architects or contractors, to ensure a seamless design and construction process? 

Benjamin’s Reply:

I place immense value on cultivating strong working relationships. When there is a positive rapport with relevant professionals and contractors, it fosters a natural synergy, making communication flow effortlessly as we become familiar with each other's working styles.

That being said, I wholeheartedly acknowledge and appreciate the tremendous effort and dedication that contractors invest in bringing our dream spaces to life. Their hard labour and commitment are indispensable in realising our vision. Without their expertise and unwavering dedication, it would be nearly impossible to transform our dreams into tangible spaces.

Therefore, it is crucial to express our gratitude and extend heartfelt thanks to these individuals who pour their blood, sweat, and tears into their work. Acknowledging their contributions and showing appreciation for their efforts not only validates their hard work but also strengthens the working relationships we share.


Q7: Do you think it’s important to incorporate sustainability and eco-friendliness into your designs? 

Benjamin’s Reply:

It is important to acknowledge the unfortunate reality that opting for sustainable and eco-friendly products often involves additional costs. However, I firmly believe that it is essential to shift our focus from short-term financial considerations to the long-term goal of preserving our planet. For example, a LED bulb may cost more, but the potential benefits and cost savings in terms of energy efficiency will pay for itself in the long run. It is important to educate our clients during the design process and let them see the value of safeguarding the earth and securing a sustainable future outweighs monetary concerns. Investing in eco-friendly choices today can yield long-term benefits for both the environment and future generations.

As designers, we have the power to drive positive change by advocating for sustainable practices, educating clients about the environmental benefits, and showcasing the long-term value of eco-friendly designs. By raising awareness and fostering a collective mindset that priorities the health of our planet, we can work towards a future where sustainability becomes the norm rather than the exception.


Q8: How do you handle challenges that arise during the design process, such as unexpected setbacks, negative feedbacks or client requests that may conflict with your vision?

Benjamin’s Reply:

Throughout my years of experience, I have come to recognise the significance of providing sound advice to clients and discussing the pros and cons of various options. Once a decision is reached, it is crucial for them to formally sign off on the agreed-upon plan. While I genuinely value cultivating a cordial working relationship with my clients, it is important to acknowledge that there are instances where issues may still occur, despite our dedicated efforts.

By offering comprehensive guidance and presenting the advantages and disadvantages of different choices, I aim to empower my clients to make informed decisions that align with their goals and vision. Formal sign-off ensures mutual understanding and a shared commitment to the chosen direction. This level of clarity and documentation is essential in maintaining transparency and avoiding potential misunderstandings or disputes down the line.


Q9: What advice would you give to aspiring interior designers, and how can they develop their own unique style and approach to the field? 

Benjamin’s Reply:

In my humble opinion, being an interior designer encompasses far more than simply creating visually pleasing spaces. I believe it holds a significance akin to that of a doctor. Just as a doctor strives to understand their patients, offer advice, and propose solutions that align with their lifestyle and needs, an interior designer operates similarly. We delve into understanding our clients, providing them with tailored solutions that address their unique requirements, effectively operating on the very essence of their homes.

It is crucial never to shy away from getting our hands literally dirty. By immersing ourselves in the physical aspects of construction, we gain first-hand knowledge of how things are built. This experiential understanding enables us to provide accurate and practical advice based on our own encounters. The more we learn and expand our horizons, the more adept we become, pushing boundaries, and refining our ideas. The realm of possibilities knows no limits—it solely depends on the extent to which we are willing to explore and push ourselves.

Equally important is the virtue of humility, patience, and kindness in our interactions with all those we collaborate with. Nurturing harmonious relationships with colleagues and partners fosters a positive and supportive working environment, ultimately benefiting the outcome of our projects. By embodying these qualities, we can create spaces that not only meet the needs of our clients but also foster a sense of well-being and positivity within the built environment.

Q10: Thank you for your time for this interview and congratulations on the DOTM June 2023 Nomination. We have one last parting question, which is, what do you hope to achieve in your career as an interior designer, and what are some of the long-term goals you have for your work? 

Benjamin’s Reply:

Thank you so much, Formica and SIXiDES for this generous recognition. As an interior designer, passion holds immense significance, particularly due to the demanding nature of the profession that often entails long and hectic working hours. Looking ahead, my aspiration is to become the trusted go-to "doctor" for all interior design needs. Building a reputation and gaining recognition are crucial steps in establishing myself as a reliable and knowledgeable professional within the industry. This recognition will enable me to provide valuable guidance and solutions to anyone seeking to transform their space according to their unique needs and lifestyle.

In the long run, my goal is to consolidate all my knowledge and expertise, with the aim of educating and empowering future generations who have a keen interest in pursuing a career in interior design. I aspire to share my insights in a structured manner, equipping aspiring designers with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the field with confidence, minimising the need for trial and error. Understanding that not every experiment will yield success, I aim to bridge the gap by imparting practical wisdom, saving aspiring designers both time and resources that would otherwise be wasted. I hope to contribute to the growth and development of the interior design industry for years to come.

Check out the video!

Posted on 30th June 2023

Written by Kelly Ong

SIXiDES Editorial Team


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