
Interview with Irvin Mun: Every Project Is A Canvas

1. What inspired you to become an interior designer/architect, and what continues to inspire you in your work today?

I've held a deep fascination for construction since my childhood, largely influenced by my father's career as a construction worker. After completing my education, I stumbled upon an opportunity to join an interior design company that was actively seeking a new team member. This fortuitous encounter led me to an interview, and ultimately, they decided to bring me on board. I can vividly recall the sheer elation I felt on that day; it was a moment so thrilling that sleep eluded me.


2. How do you approach the design process, from ideation to execution, and what steps do you take to ensure your designs meet the unique needs of each client?

At the outset, my approach involves building a rapport with homeowners by treating them as friends. I take the time to attentively listen to their lifestyle preferences and what they envision for their home. Once I have gained a deep understanding of their desires, I leverage my wealth of knowledge and experience to align their needs with practical solutions, aiming to arrive at a shared vision for the project. My ultimate objective is to enable homeowners to realize their dream of a functional and ideal home.

3. What is your philosophy when it comes to designing interior spaces, and how do you balance aesthetic appeal with practical functionality?

I strongly believe that each space possesses a distinct and inherent purpose. Through a comprehensive analysis, I guide homeowners in fully optimising the potential of their spaces, addressing both current and future needs. My designs are meticulously crafted to not only fulfil the homeowners' wish list but also to be adaptable, allowing for seamless transitions to a different aesthetic if they ever wish to explore a new design concept. This approach ensures that their spaces remain versatile and accommodating of evolving preference.

4. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest design trends and techniques, and how do you incorporate these into your work while maintaining your own unique style?

I place minimal concern on adhering to the latest design trends, as I highly value homeowners' individual design preferences. My distinctive approach revolves around maintaining a space that is both clean and organized, recognizing it as the cornerstone of a perfect home, regardless of the specific design aesthetics employed.

Nonetheless, I remain attuned to the dynamic changes in the design world, actively exploring new technologies, innovations, and materials within the interior design industry. This commitment to staying current allows me to offer homeowners a well-rounded perspective, ensuring that their design choices are both timeless and enhanced by the latest advancements in the field.

5. What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and what made it so special to you?

I find it difficult to pinpoint a single favourite project among the many I've undertaken in my career, primarily because each project possesses its own unique character and distinct style, ultimately transforming and enhancing the space in its own remarkable way. Every project is a canvas onto which I paint a fresh and bespoke design, with its own set of challenges and opportunities, making it a valuable experience.

What brings me the greatest sense of accomplishment, however, is the feedback I receive from homeowners. Their satisfaction with the outcome, the warmth they feel, and the comfort they experience while living in their newly designed spaces are the true markers of success for me. This feedback signifies that my designs have not only met but exceeded the requirements and expectations of the homeowner and, in turn, my own. Knowing that I've contributed to the creation of spaces that evoke feelings of contentment and ease is both fulfilling and a testament to the meaningful impact that interior design can have on people's lives. It's a reminder that each project, regardless of its unique style, plays a vital role in improving the quality of life for those who inhabit the spaces I have the privilege to design.


6. How do you collaborate with other professionals, such as consultants or contractors, to ensure a seamless design and construction process?

In our company's approach, we prioritise a collaborative process with homeowners from the outset. We encourage homeowners to share their design plans and ideas even before the renovation commences. This initial step serves as the foundation upon which we build a comprehensive design strategy tailored to their unique vision.

Subsequently, our company meticulously refines these ideas, translating them into concrete plans that include floor layouts, intricate 3D renderings, and detailed lighting and technical drawings. These drawings constitute a holistic design implementation plan that serves as a roadmap for the entire renovation project. This detailed documentation ensures that both our team and the contractors involved have a clear and unified understanding of the renovation process from start to finish.

To further enhance the execution of our projects, we assign a dedicated project coordinator to oversee the entire process. Their role is to ensure seamless communication, streamline operations, and address any potential issues that may arise, thereby guaranteeing that the entire renovation process is carried out smoothly and in alignment with the homeowners' vision. This meticulous approach underlines our commitment to delivering a high-quality and stress-free experience for our clients.

7. Does your work allow you to practice sustainability, if so, how do you incorporate sustainability and eco-friendliness into your designs, and why is this important to you and or your firm?

At our company, our commitment to sustainability goes beyond being a mere interior design firm; we are dedicated consultants for our clients, offering holistic solutions that prioritize both their needs and our planet's well-being.

We believe in the importance of responsible consumption and the utilization of environmentally friendly products. As such, we are unwavering in our mission to continually develop and provide high-quality, eco-conscious materials and products. Our dedication to environmental protection and sustainability is not just a choice; it's our responsibility.

In a world where preserving our planet is paramount, we strive to be at the forefront of innovative, sustainable design solutions. By offering eco-friendly alternatives and promoting responsible design practices, we aim to leave a positive impact on both our clients and the environment. Our enduring commitment to sustainable design reflects our core values and underscores our dedication to a brighter, more environmentally conscious future.

8. How do you handle challenges that arise during the design process, such as unexpected setbacks or client requests that may conflict with your vision?

We take great pride in maintaining a low conflict ratio between our team and homeowners, a testament to our meticulous approach to client satisfaction. Our process is designed to minimize misunderstandings and ensure that the final result aligns seamlessly with the customer's vision.

Our method involves several key steps that start with a comprehensive understanding of the customer's needs and preferences. We pay close attention to their desires, objectives, and design aspirations. Once we have a clear picture of their vision, we use advanced technology to present 3D drawings that vividly capture the project's details with a lifelike sense of reality. This step bridges the gap between conceptual ideas and tangible design, allowing clients to visualize the final outcome.

By engaging our clients in this transparent and interactive process, we create ample opportunities for discussions, feedback, and adjustments. This proactive approach is highly effective in resolving any potential conflicts that may arise during the design and implementation phases. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the final result not only meets but exceeds our clients' expectations, fostering a harmonious and collaborative relationship throughout the project.

9.    What advice would you give to aspiring interior designers/architects, and how can they develop their own unique style and approach to the field?

For fellow interior designers, my advice is to place a strong emphasis on truly understanding the needs and desires of homeowners. It's not enough to merely execute a design; we must actively engage with our clients to comprehend their vision.

Incorporate your professional expertise by offering thoughtful opinions and suggestions that enhance the design, aligning it with both aesthetic preferences and practical considerations. It's crucial to strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality, ensuring that the final design not only looks good but also serves the homeowner's lifestyle and is within their budget.

Remember that the true essence of design is not just about creating beautiful spaces; it's about crafting environments that enrich the lives of those who inhabit them. By listening attentively to homeowners, combining their aspirations with your expertise, and being mindful of affordability and functionality, you can create designs that are not only visually appealing but also deeply meaningful and satisfying for your clients. This approach not only builds trust but also results in enduring client satisfaction.

10. What do you hope to achieve in your career as an interior designer/architect, and what are some of the long-term goals you have for your work?

After numerous years of dedicated effort, the homes I've had the privilege to design have successfully achieved the overarching goal that has always driven me: to provide every family with a warm and comfortable living space. The fulfilment of this objective brings me immense satisfaction and motivates me to continue pursuing my dream.

My aspiration remains unwavering - to create homes that go beyond mere aesthetics, and instead, offer a genuine sense of comfort and warmth. I am inspired to persist in this endeavour, knowing that each design I craft contributes to the well-being and contentment of the families who reside in these spaces. This commitment fuels my passion and reinforces my determination to keep making dreams of cozy, inviting homes a reality for homeowners.

11.  Any inspiring words you have for other designers or homeowners?

I firmly believe that homeowners often have a clear vision of their design concept, yet interior designers bring a wealth of professional insight and expertise to the table. They play a crucial role in the design process by not only offering valuable opinions and suggestions but also by conducting thorough analyses of space utilization.

Interior designers serve as more than just advisors; they act as effective mediators, saving homeowners precious time by handling the coordination with contractors. Finding the right interior designer who aligns with your vision is not just about aesthetics, but about solving the multifaceted challenges that arise during the renovation process.

This collaborative approach can transform what might otherwise be a nightmare into a wonderfully smooth and fulfilling experience. It's all about the shared journey towards creating a space that reflects your dreams and brings joy and satisfaction throughout the entire renovation process.

Posted on 27th October 2023

Written by Astley Ng The Designerd

SIXiDES Editorial Team


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