
Interview with Melvin Ong: Vision at Building Dream Homes

In the world of interior design, creating spaces that blend aesthetics with functionality is an art. Melvin Ong, the Design Principal of Chapter 13 Interior Design, has mastered this art through his dedication, creativity, and passion. With a career that began from a personal project of revamping his own home, Melvin has grown to become a respected name in the industry. In this exclusive interview, Melvin shares his journey and invaluable insights that inspire both aspiring designers and homeowners alike.


What inspired you to become an interior designer/architect, and what continues to inspire you in your work today?

My journey into interior design started when I decided to revamp my own room and house. The process of transforming these spaces and the satisfaction that followed was incredibly fulfilling. This personal experience sparked my passion for design and renovation. What continues to inspire me today is the opportunity to help others create their dream homes. The most rewarding moment for me is when I hand over a renovated home to its owners and see their genuine smiles and happiness. It's this emotional connection and the ability to positively impact people's lives that keeps me motivated and inspired.


How do you approach the design process, from ideation to execution, and what steps do you take to ensure your designs meet the unique needs of each client?

My design process begins with understanding the client's lifestyle, habits, and preferences. This initial step is crucial as it forms the foundation of a design that truly reflects their needs. I then propose a layout that accommodates their lifestyle and suggest themes that might resonate with their personal taste. Throughout the process, I maintain open communication with the clients, ensuring their feedback is incorporated at every stage. This collaborative approach not only aligns the design with their expectations but also ensures that the final outcome is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


What is your philosophy when it comes to designing interior spaces, and how do you balance aesthetic appeal with practical functionality?

My core philosophy is to treat every client's home as if it were my own. This mindset allows me to deeply understand their individual needs and preferences. In balancing aesthetics with functionality, I always prioritize form follows function. A home is a space where we spend most of our time, so it must be comfortable and functional. Once the practical aspects are well-established, I then focus on incorporating aesthetic elements that enhance the beauty of the space. This approach ensures that the home is not only visually appealing but also serves the daily needs of its occupants effectively.


How do you stay up to date with the latest design trends and techniques, and how do you incorporate these into your work while maintaining your own unique style?

Staying current with design trends and techniques is essential in this ever-evolving field. I achieve this by actively listening to client feedback, which provides valuable insights into what homeowners are looking for. Additionally, I keep a close eye on the latest trends online and through industry publications. Incorporating these trends into my work involves adapting them to fit the unique needs and preferences of each client. While I embrace new ideas, I also ensure that my designs retain a distinctive style that sets them apart. This balance between innovation and personal style helps create spaces that are both contemporary and uniquely tailored to each homeowner.


What is your favourite project that you've worked on, and what made it so special to you?

One of my favourite projects is the very first one I completed when I started in this industry. I still vividly remember the excitement and satisfaction I felt when I handed over the newly renovated home to the clients. Their joy and appreciation were incredibly motivating. This project was special because it was my first real test in applying my skills and creativity to transform a space. The positive outcome reinforced my passion for interior design and set the stage for my future endeavours. It reminded me why I chose this path and continues to inspire me to deliver exceptional results for my clients.

How do you collaborate with other professionals, such as consultants or contractors, to ensure a seamless design and construction process? 

Effective collaboration with consultants and contractors is key to a successful project. I prioritize clear and consistent communication, which includes regular site meetings and detailed discussions about the design and space planning. By ensuring that everyone involved understands the vision and specifics of the project, we can work together more efficiently and address any potential issues proactively. This collaborative approach not only streamlines the construction process but also ensures that the final outcome aligns with the design intent and meets the client's expectations.


Does your work allow you to practice sustainability, and if so, how do you incorporate sustainability and eco-friendliness into your designs, and why is this important to you and/or your firm?

Sustainability is an important aspect of my work. I prefer to collaborate with suppliers who provide eco-friendly materials, which helps reduce the environmental impact of our projects. Incorporating sustainable practices can range from selecting energy-efficient lighting and appliances to using recycled or sustainable building materials. Even small efforts can make a significant difference in promoting sustainability. This approach aligns with my personal values and the commitment of my firm to contribute positively to the environment.


How do you handle challenges that arise during the design process, such as unexpected setbacks or client requests that may conflict with your vision?

Challenges and setbacks are a natural part of any design process. When faced with such situations, I focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problems. Staying composed and proactive is important. I discuss the issues with the homeowners, presenting them with viable alternatives that align with their needs while also addressing any constraints. This problem-solving approach ensures that we can overcome obstacles and still achieve a satisfactory outcome that meets the client's vision and requirements.


What advice would you give to aspiring interior designers/architects, and how can they develop their own unique style and approach to the field?

For aspiring interior designers, my advice is to cultivate a genuine passion for design. Engage in continuous learning and stay curious about new trends and techniques. Conducting your own research and gaining practical experience is vital in developing a unique style. Embrace your individuality and let it reflect in your work. Building a portfolio that showcases your distinct approach and creativity will help you stand out in the field. Remember, your unique style is what will set you apart and attract clients who resonate with your vision.


Any inspiring words you have for other designers or homeowners?

To fellow designers:

I encourage you to share your passion and knowledge. By inspiring and mentoring others, we can build a supportive community of like-minded professionals. This collective effort will enhance the quality of service we provide to homeowners. 

For homeowners:

Trust in the process and communicate openly with your designer. A well-designed home can significantly improve your quality of life, and your input is invaluable in creating a space that truly feels like home. Together, we can create beautiful and functional environments that bring joy and comfort.

Melvin's dedication to understanding his clients and creating personalized, functional spaces sets him apart. His commitment to staying current with trends and practicing sustainability inspires both designers and homeowners. For young designers looking to carve their niche and homeowners seeking to create their dream spaces, Melvin’s advice and experiences offer a wealth of inspiration. As he continues to inspire and mentor, Melvin is not just building beautiful homes but also a community of passionate designers dedicated to excellence.

Posted on 12th August 2024

Written by Kelly Ong

SIXiDES Editorial Team



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