Parc Seabreeze

designed by Design Style Studio

Condo • 4 Bedroom • 1400sqft • S$100,000

SharpParc Seabreeze
SharpParc Seabreeze
Sixides Logo

This modern Scandinavian Condo project uses elements like woods, mirrored surfaces, accent lightings and even a featured brick wall! The designer created one side of the entrance to be mirrored to give the illusion of a bigger space. The window looking into the narrow kitchen also allows for natural light to flow in. The wood dining table is backed up with a feature brick wall to visually indicate a different space from the main hall area. The glossy elements in the main hall not only allows light to reflect, but it also gives a sense of a larger interior!

Project Details

Unit Type
Unit Type
4 Bedroom
Interior Style
Interior Style
Area Size
Area Size
Renovation Cost
Renovation Cost
Year of Completion
Year of Completion

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